On Friday July 29
th I went to the KATY PERRY CONCERT @ The Toyota Center I had originally bought tickets in section 400 and so
that's where the 4 of us where going to sit While Amber & Kara were parking there car this lady came me up to me & my mom and asked if we wanted floor seats to here concert and first my mom thought it was a scam and what not and the lady was like no no no you can just have these tickets me & this guy over here have to go to Austin to set up for a gig AKA next day was Katy Perry in Austin. So to bad I met Katy Perry's sister up close & personal like if i were to reach my hand out to here I could touch her. After she gave us the tickets I was like so stoked I was freaking out because I've never had floor tickets to any concert. Katy Perry was the best night of my life. Katy Perry I love you with all of my heart and big thanks to Katy Perry's sister if that really was you that I met I'm pretty darn sure it was!!!!